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Create Get Mails Service

In this task, we create a Get Mails service that gets the mails from the Outlook mail for a user.

Get Mails Service

Get Mails Service

To Create a Get Mails Service

  1. Go to Integrations - IPAAS > Integrations dashboard.
  2. Go to the Outlook Mail integration. Then, click on the name of the integration.
  3. Drag and drop the Boolean Condition entity from the left pane to the canvas.
  4. Select the Boolean Condition entity and update the properties panel.
  5. In the properties panel:

    • In the Authenticate section, select the required Authentication.
      For more information on authentication and credentials, refer to Authentication and Credentials.
    • In the Operation section, select the operation as Boolean Condition.             
      When you select an operation, the Backflipt platform automatically selects the latest version of the particular operation.
    • In the Input section, under Fields, click Add Condition.
    • Under Condition, click the dropdown icon and select Execution and recievedDateTime from the JSON Path.
    • Select Is Empty in the dropdown list under recievedDateTime.
  1. Drag and drop the Data Storage entity from the left pane to the canvas in the True branch of the Boolean Condition entity.
  2. Select the Data Storage entity and update the properties panel.
  3. In the properties panel:

    • In the Operation section, select the operation as Value OR Default.
    • In the Input section, under Key, enter the text as hasAttachments eq in the Enter text field and select attachments from the JSON Path.
  1. Drag and drop the Data Storage entity from the left pane to the canvas in the False branch of the Boolean Condition entity.
  2. Select the Data Storage entity and update the properties panel.
  3. In the properties panel:

    • In the Operation section, select the operation as Value OR Default.
    • In the Input section, under Key, enter the text as receivedDateTime gt and hasAttachments eq in the Enter text field and select recievedDateTime and attachments from the JSON Path.
  1. Drag and drop the Http Client entity from the left pane to the canvas below the Data Storage entity
  2. Select the Http Client entity and update the properties panel.
  3. In the properties panel:

    • In the Authenticate section, select the required Authentication.
      For more information on authentication and credentials, refer to Authentication and Credentials.
    • In the Operation section, select the operation as Http Call.
      When you select an operation, the Backflipt platform automatically selects the latest version of the particular operation.
    • In the URL section:
      • Select baseUri from the JSON Path and enter the text as /v1.0/me/mailfolders/
      • Select Folderid from the JSON Path and enter the text as /messages
    • In the Method section, select the method as GET.
    • In the Query String section, select +Add Param to add the Key as $filter and the Value as output from the Boolean  Condition.
    • In the Query String section, select +Add Param again to add the Key as $top and the Value as 100.
    • In the Content Type section, select the content type as Application JSON.
    • In the Response Type section, select the response type as JSON.
  1. Drag and drop the Data Storage entity from the left pane to the canvas below the Http Client entity.
  2. Select the Data Storage entity and update the properties panel.
  3. In the properties panel:

    • In the Operation section, select the operation as Get Value for JSON Path.
    • In the Input section, under Path, enter the text as http_client_1.value.
  1. On the top pane of the canvas, click Schema and select Input to configure the input schema.
  2. In the Schema Editor dialog:

    • Select ADVANCED option.
    • Enter the Key as folderId and Label as Mail Folder.
    • Enable the Required button.
    • In the UI Control dropdown, select the UI control method as Dropdown.
    • Select the Picklist as Service.
    • Select the Service and the Service Version from the dropdown.
    • Click Add Field.
    • Enter the Key as attachments and Label as Include Attachments.
    • In the UI Control dropdown, select the UI control method as Checkbox.
    • Click Add Field.
    • Enter the Key as receivedDateTime and Label as Received After (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).
    • In the UI Control dropdown, select the UI control method as Input.
    • Select OK.
  1. On the top pane of the canvas, click Schema and select Output to configure the output schema.
  2. In the Output Schema dialog:
    • Select the Type as Fixed type.
    • In the Sample Json Data, enter the below data
        "createdDateTime": "2020-03-20T00:56:18Z",
        "lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-03-20T00:56:20Z",
        "changeKey": "CQAAABYAAACKbFhJERMHTrOffue4a4MdAACrqNEA",
        "categories": [],
        "receivedDateTime": "2020-03-20T00:56:20Z",
        "sentDateTime": "2020-03-20T00:56:13Z",
        "hasAttachments": true,
        "internetMessageId": "< > ",
        "subject": "RE: Test plan and Test cases for SFDC Leads Assist and SAP Concur Connectors",
        "bodyPreview": "Pavan,\r\n\r\n  1.  I have requested edit access to these documents.  I want to make some updates to test cases to bring more clarity.  E-g In SFDC Leads connector, once a call is logged no further action is permitted w.r.t to further call logging.  However, ",
        "importance": "normal",
        "conversationId": "AAQkADg1MTJmZTU0LTAyNWEtNDMxMC05ZjI2LTFiY2VmNDBiZDlhMQAQAIMbE7P92yZNkMUX907iYy0=",
        "conversationIndex": "AQHV/B8rgxsTs/3bJk2QxRf3TuJjLahPbJ+RgAE9o1A=",
        "isDeliveryReceiptRequested": null,
        "isReadReceiptRequested": false,
        "isRead": true,
        "isDraft": false,
        "webLink": "",
        "inferenceClassification": "focused",
        "body": {
         "contentType": "html",
         "content": "<html > <head > \r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" > <meta content=\"text/html; charset=us-ascii\" > <meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"Microsoft Word 15 (filtered medium)\" > <style > \r\n<!--\r\n@font-face\r\n\t{font-family:\"Cambria Math\"}\r\n@font-face\r\n\t{font-family:Calibri}\r\n@font-face\r\n\t{font-family:\"Segoe UI\"}\r\np.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal\r\n\t{margin:0in;\r\n\tmargin-bottom:.0001pt;\r\n\tfont-size:11.0pt;\r\n\tfont-family:\"Calibri\",sans-serif}\r\na:link, span.MsoHyperlink\r\n\t{color:blue;\r\n\ttext-decoration:underline}\r\np.MsoListParagraph, li.MsoListParagraph, div.MsoListParagraph\r\n\t{margin-top:0in;\r\n\tmargin-right:0in;\r\n\tmargin-bottom:0in;\r\n\tmargin-left:.5in;\r\n\tmargin-bottom:.0001pt;\r\n\tfont-size:11.0pt;\r\n\tfont-family:\"Calibri\",sans-serif}\r\nspan.EmailStyle20\r\n\t{font-family:\"Calibri\",sans-serif;\r\n\tcolor:windowtext}\r\n.MsoChpDefault\r\n\t{font-size:10.0pt}\r\n@page WordSection1\r\n\t{margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in}\r\ndiv.WordSection1\r\n\t{}\r\nol\r\n\t{margin-bottom:0in}\r\nul\r\n\t{margin-bottom:0in}\r\n-- > \r\n</style > </head > <body lang=\"EN-US\" link=\"blue\" vlink=\"purple\" > <div class=\"WordSection1\" > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > Pavan,&nbsp; &nbsp;</p > <ol start=\"1\" type=\"1\" style=\"margin-top:0in\" > <li class=\"MsoListParagraph\" style=\"margin-left:0in\" > I have requested edit access to these documents.&nbsp; I want to make some updates to test cases to bring more clarity.&nbsp; E-g In SFDC Leads connector, once a call is logged no further action is permitted w.r.t to further call logging.&nbsp; However, user can update the tasks even if the card moved to ‘completed section’.&nbsp; I am good with this design, &nbsp;just want to make sure this is captured for all scenarios.&nbsp; &nbsp;Proceed further with the testing.</li > <li class=\"MsoListParagraph\" style=\"margin-left:0in\" > The Concur test cases are fine.&nbsp; Please go ahead and complete them.</li > <li class=\"MsoListParagraph\" style=\"margin-left:0in\" > I also need a Setup and Usage document for both these connectors.&nbsp; I would like to review them as well.&nbsp;&nbsp; I am attaching a setup and usage guide for MS Teams and Planner.&nbsp; Please forward them once it is ready.</li > </ol > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > &nbsp;</p > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > Thanks,</p > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > Srini</p > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > &nbsp;</p > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > &nbsp;</p > <div > <div style=\"border:none; border-top:solid #E1E1E1 1.0pt; padding:3.0pt 0in 0in 0in\" > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <b > From:</b > Pavan &lt;; <br > <b > Sent:</b > Wednesday, March 18, 2020 10:54 PM<br > <b > To:</b > Ram Jayam &lt;;; Kameshwar Rao &lt;;; Srini Gargeya &lt;;; Srinivas Shankavaram &lt;;<br > <b > Cc:</b > sravani &lt;;; VMware Documents &lt;;<br > <b > Subject:</b > Re: Test plan and Test cases for SFDC Leads Assist and SAP Concur Connectors</p > </div > </div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > &nbsp;</p > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > Hi,</span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > here is the mails which has links for test plan and test cases for&nbsp;</span > <b > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; font-family:&quot;Segoe UI&quot;,sans-serif; color:#323130; background:#FAF9F8\" > SFDC Leads Assist and SAP Concur Connectors.</span > </b > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > &nbsp;</span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > Thanks,</span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > Pavan.</span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > <div class=\"MsoNormal\" align=\"center\" style=\"text-align:center\" > <hr size=\"2\" width=\"98%\" align=\"center\" > </div > <div id=\"divRplyFwdMsg\" > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <b > <span style=\"color:black\" > From:</span > </b > <span style=\"color:black\" > Pavan<br > <b > Sent:</b > Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:27 AM<br > <b > To:</b > Ram Jayam &lt;<a href=\"\" ></a > &gt;; Kameshwar Rao &lt;<a href=\"\" ></a > &gt;; Srini Gargeya &lt;<a href=\"\" ></a > &gt;; Srinivas Shankavaram &lt;<a href=\"\" ></a > &gt;<br > <b > Cc:</b > sravani &lt;<a href=\"\" ></a > &gt;; VMware Documents &lt;<a href=\"\" ></a > &gt;<br > <b > Subject:</b > Test plan and Test cases for SFDC Leads Assist and SAP Concur Connectors</span > </p > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > &nbsp;</p > </div > </div > <div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > Hi,</span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > &nbsp;</span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > Here are the links for test plan and test cases for&nbsp;SFDC Leads Assist and SAP Concur Connectors. Please review the documents.</span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > &nbsp;</span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > SFDC Leads Assist Connector</span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > <blockquote style=\"margin-left:30.0pt; margin-right:0in\" > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > <a href=\"\" title=\"\" > SFDC Leads Assist Test Plan</a > </span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > </blockquote > <blockquote style=\"margin-left:30.0pt; margin-right:0in\" > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > <a href=\"\" title=\"\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt\" > SFDC Leads Assist Test Cases</span > </a > </span > </p > </div > </blockquote > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > &nbsp;</span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > SAP Travel Request Connector</span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > <blockquote style=\"margin-left:30.0pt; margin-right:0in\" > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > <a href=\"\" title=\"\" > SAP Concur Test Plan</a > </span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > </blockquote > <blockquote style=\"margin-left:30.0pt; margin-right:0in\" > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > <a href=\"\" title=\"\" > SAP Concur Test Cases</a > </span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > </blockquote > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > &nbsp;</span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > Thanks,</span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > <div > <p class=\"MsoNormal\" > <span style=\"font-size:10.0pt; color:black\" > Pavan.</span > <span style=\"font-size:12.0pt; color:black\" > </span > </p > </div > </div > </div > </body > </html > "
        "sender": {
         "emailAddress": {
          "name": "Srini Gargeya",
          "address": ""
        "from": {
         "emailAddress": {
          "name": "Srini Gargeya",
          "address": ""
        "toRecipients": [
          "emailAddress": {
           "name": "Pavan",
           "address": ""
          "emailAddress": {
           "name": "Ram Jayam",
           "address": ""
          "emailAddress": {
           "name": "Kameshwar Rao",
           "address": ""
          "emailAddress": {
           "name": "Srinivas Shankavaram",
           "address": ""
        "ccRecipients": [
          "emailAddress": {
           "name": "sravani",
           "address": ""
          "emailAddress": {
           "name": "VMware Documents",
           "address": ""
        "bccRecipients": [],
        "replyTo": [],
        "flag": {
         "flagStatus": "notFlagged"
  3. Select Save.
    The created service is added to the Outlook Mail integration.

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